Patch Adams -Best Speach

Patch Adams 1998-movie-posterLast weekend, I got a big surprise when I wasn’t expecting it.

I fell into watching the end of the movie Patch Adams as it just happened to be on tv. I’d seen Patch Adams many years ago (it was a 1998 film with Robin Williams) yet I was very surprised by how inspiring his speech was near the end of the film. Below, you can find a full transcript of the speech and two videos that cover the full length of the speech (one starts at the beginning but doesn’t go all the way to the end, and the other does the opposite).

The quotes in this speech that really resonate in my heart are;

  • If we’re going to fight a disease, let’s fight one of the most terrible diseases of all, indifference.
  • Every human being has an impact on another. Why don’t we want that in a patient doctor relationship?
  • Always live in awe of the glorious mechanism of the human body.
  • Let that be the focus of your studies and not a quest for grades which will give you no idea of what kind of doctor you’ll become.
    • schooling and learning today has definitely become too much of a “quest for grades”
  • Share their compassion. Let that be contagious.

It’s amazing how inspiration is everywhere in the world, if we just take notice of it. I would never have thought a movie like Patch Adams would inspire me, but why not? This film was based on the life of the real Patch Adams. Looking into him just a little (for example, see this page) is enough to see he’s a really inspirational man, even without the movie.

So the message for us here is to welcome the inspiration that is all around us. All of life is an inspiration. If we just take it in a little, we might just feel some of our true worth. I suspect this is more than I’m able to comprehend.

Please let me know what you think of this Patch Adam’s speech. Did you find it inspirational as well? Can you share anything similar that you find as inspiring or more inspiring? Thanks!


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