When going to a job interview, impress your potential employer with your style. The truth is that you already made an impression without saying a single word based on what you wear. Here is what you should and should NOT wear for any type of white collar job interview.


In most cases, always wear a suit! A “suit” means the works: a matching jacket and pants, dress shirt, tie, dress socks and shoes. A dark-colored suit with a light colored shirt is always a great way to go.

Make sure the fit is comfortable and fits you properly. If you don’t feel comfortable, it could make you feel tenser in the interview! It can also make you fidget, constantly adjusting the fit, which will make you seem insecure or that you have a rash!

Always make sure the outfit is clean, neat, and pressed. If you look like you crawled out of a mattress, try again!

Avoid loud colors and flashy ties… Think “conservative!”

Ensure your breath is minty fresh. Brush your teeth before the interview and don’t eat anything that can leave an odor. Listerine strips really work! You find them in the store next to the dental floss.

Have a neat and traditional haircut. 90% of all employers want their employees to be clean-shaven.

Do not wear cologne or aftershave. You do not want to have an overpowering smell or cause an allergic reaction. Note: some offices are completely fragrance-free zones!

Do not wear any visible jewelry, except wedding rings.


Wear a suit with a skirt or pants. When in doubt, be more demure.

Simplicity is key. Interview suits should be dark in color. Avoid anything tight, bright, short, or sheer.

If you wear a skirt, wear knee-length. Very long skirts are considered too trendy for interviews and very short skirts are taken to mean that you are not as professional as you really can be.

Make-up and nail polish should be understated and flattering. Try to go for shades that are fairly neutral to your skin tone. Avoid dark colors such as blue or black, as well as very bright colors such as hot pink or orange. Very long nails are also considered to be unproductive.

Use minimal jewelry. Similar to the rest of your outfit, do not wear anything too flashy, distracting, or shiny. If it dangles, rethink it.

Shoes should be fairly low-heeled, in good condition, not scuffed or run down. Do not wear anything with an open toe or back. Also, it doesn’t matter that your Louboutin’s are runway ready; you are not applying as a model so save them for Friday night.

If you wear pantyhose, wear a neutral color with no snags or runs. Black is usually too dark and also considered not for daily wear, but for evening wear.

Your hair should be neat, clean, and modestly styled. If you use a hair accessory, do not use anything bright such as a scrunchy or a banana clip. The ideal style for people with long hair is a low ponytail with a barrette. 

Make sure your breath is feeling fresh! Do not eat anything that will leave your breath funky. We recommend brushing your teeth, using mouthwash, chewing gum or eating mints before the interview. No one wants to have a conversation with someone with bad breath!

Even if you follow these rules and are still unsure if a certain clothing item is acceptable for the #interview, do not wear it! It’s better to be safe than sorry. You won’t get the job based on your clothing, but you can certainly be rejected based on what you wear.  


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