A few years ago, I missed out on a huge promotion because I didn’t comply with an action from a CEO of my then establishment. He instructed me to hold back a delinquent customer’s payment, so their mortgage would be transferred to the non-accrual status, so that his colleague could supposedly submit an offer to purchase this prime property. Reality check: doing the right things may not bring on the welcoming committee rather you may be beaten for it. I faced the brunt of his wrath thereafter. I knew then I didn't have a future in that organization. I left with my integrity intact which is more valuable than any job. 

In Malaysia we saw how devils self worship leaders brought a nation to its knees with corruption and practices. 1MDB sends waves and rings a sound to us!

Every week in the newspaper, you are sure to find headlines about a leader or influential figure entangled in unethical behavior. Society longs for leaders of integrity. Sadly what we often see is a greed, selfishness and a lust for power. 

I have seen and worked with corrupted leaders in which personal gain is of high importance compared to a company and its people. 

Research on leadership has consistently rated integrity as one of the most important character traits of a respected leader. Integrity is something that is built over time, not overnight. The seemingly trivial decisions and choices you make behind closed doors when no one is looking, will ultimately carve your character. Eventually, the truth always comes to light.

Your ability to influence is not just based on skill or intelligence; it’s based in trust and requires integrity, which is the foundation of real and lasting influence. 

Even if you possess emotional intelligence, creativity, vision, passion, (and all the important leadership skills), but you lack integrity, no one will believe or trust you. Integrity is the foundation on which leadership is built. If there is no integrity, your leadership influence will crumble. Lack of integrity renders all other leadership traits ineffective.

People want a leader who practices what he or she preaches and who follows through on promises. Many companies are struggling with low employee engagement. An employee's relationship with their manager sets the tone for their level of commitment to the organization's success. It's hard to feel passion for a job after you witness a lapse in integrity in your manager. Behaviors such as taking credit for someone's work, blaming, favoritism, treating others poorly, supporting unfair practices and dishonesty are complete deal breakers.

No matter how educated, talented, rich, or cool you believe you are, how you treat people ultimately tells all. Integrity is everything!

A lot of business leaders don’t even realize how closely they’re being watched by their subordinates. Actions speak louder than words. People might tolerate a boring job or long commute, but they are more prone to leave if their boss lacks integrity. For loyalty, there has to be a relationship that develops between employee and employer and this develops over time through trust that gets built and sustained. Transparency, authenticity and walking the talk are essential for building trust. You can't buy loyalty, but you can certainly foster and nurture it by being a person of integrity.

To Your continued Success!

Cheers! 🍸🍹🍑🍒🍇 

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