what sets a great new Mgr from a regular one?

They work to earn the credibility and support of their team members. You’re the
new Mgr. The team doesn’t trust you yet. Maybe they know you if you’re promoted
from within, but they don’t trust your capabilities as a Mgr. The onus is on
you to build your credibility and earn their trust. One way to build trust is
to be consistent in your approach and decisions and by walking the talk.
Nothing beats distrust more than NATO (No Actions, Talk Only).
Pick Up Managerial Skills There are 8 skills a new Mgr should have – Earning
Respect, Organisation Skills, Collaboration, Motivation, Critical Thinking, EQ,
Communication and Giving Feedback. This will keep your hands busy as a new Mgr.
Perhaps you can hone one skill a year and in 8 years’ time, you’ll be a Power

They work hard to master the art and science of delivering effective,
constructive feedback. When giving negative feedback, use the CAR+R Method.
Explain the Context (back story), what Actions the staff has taken and what is
the Results of it. Then what is the Resolution? This way, feedback is
structured, professional and there will be a resolution at the end of it.
They understand the importance of team development, and they work hard to
support their team. Good Managers not only develop themselves but they make
sure that their team members are developed too so that the team can grow
together to greater heights. By caring about their development, it helps build
the bonds between Managers and Team

They focus on creating a culture where accountability and fairness are present
in every encounter. If you discipline one staff that way, you must ensure you
discipline others the same way. He/She might be your close friend before this
but now he’s your subordinate like others. So be fair. People can see if you
play favourites.

They shield their team and often hold themselves visibly accountable for any
mistakes or mishaps. It reminds me of my First Time Manager experience. I was
only 23 then and after 6 months on the job, I was given a supervisory role.
It’s kinda awkward cos the person I’m managing is older than me and has been in
the company longer than me. I guess we both felt awkward about it and I tried
to maintain that there won’t be much difference. Then one day, it was
discovered that she had made major mistakes (before I joined the company) which
will cause the company a 6-figure sum. This will greatly affect our profits and
the pressure was on her to rectify the mistakes she made. She was under a lot
of stress from the top management and nearly broke down. I can see that so I
talked to the top management to look for me instead. Don’t reach out to her. I
said I’m her supervisor so if anything, go through me and I’ll inform her. I’ll
be responsible for everything. I even stayed back late to help her rectify the
problems. This greatly turned around our relationship and she respected me much
more after this.
conclusion, being a new Manager is not easy. However, if you continue to strive
to be better Managers and constantly pick up new leadership skills, you'll be
an exemplary Manager in no time.
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