This is what I think it means: Life is about LIVING.

We can’t know what is coming and we need to enjoy every day instead of trying to “arrive.” We should enjoy the unfolding and the process.

It’s so much easier said than done. Believe me, I know. I spent so much of my time in my 20s and even 30s just trying to get to the next best thing.

When I can buy the next house. When I get married. When I get promoted. When I have a baby. When will I figure this $@*% out?

And while there isn’t anything wrong about wanting things in your life or having aspirations, sometimes those goals and dreams do distract us from the beauty in the daily moments.

I’ve been doing this my entire life….focusing on the destination more than the journey.

And finally, in my forties, I get it.

The destination matters, but the journey makes it all worthwhile.

I’ve often thought about the insights I would share with my younger self.

If I wrote a letter to my teenage self or my twenty-something self, what would it say?

If I made a list, what would be on it?

Life is a Journey, so…

Stop caring about what other people think. They aren’t thinking about you nearly as you as much as you think they are. Not even close.

Whatever is mortifying you right now, won’t matter when you’re grown. In fact, if it’s embarrassing you, it’s probably building character. The kind of character that you’ll need later in life.

Just be yourself. Really, truly, yourself.

Take more shots. You can’t score if you don’t shoot the ball. 

What inspires you? What are you curious about? Do more of that! If you want to try art, but you don’t have any friends in art, take art anyway. 

Stop following the crowd. At some point or another, you will be led astray. Do what you think is right; what you think you should do. 

Be kind. Always.

There Must Be Growth

The journey is about growth. It’s about living. And learning. These are only a handful of the lessons I’ve learned along the way.

And while I wouldn’t go back and give myself answers, I would give myself advice:

Enjoy the Journey. Don’t worry about the destination. Things work out. Be yourself. Love more.

Life is a journey, not a destination.


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