Life is a precious gift that started long before the day we were born. The very fact you are here is a miracle; 4 hundred trillion to one are the odds for human life. I know for certain, you can live life on your own terms if you truly want to.

Yet, most people get to the end of their lives having never really made the most of it. Regret is something that we never want to experience.

All of this can be avoided if we do some soul searching and figure out what makes us truly happy!

I often ask myself the following question…

“What would I do if I woke up each morning and money was no object?”.

If you want to live life on your own terms, this will give you a pretty good indication where you currently are and what needs to change for you to get to where you want to be.

We are creatures of habit and conditioning; That is why we act the way we act, think the way we think, and believe what we believe.  From a young age, our belief systems are embedded in our subconscious mind and begin shaping the experiences in our lives as we grow older.

“Man surprised me most about humanity. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.”  – The Dalai Lama

The vast majority of people are living on autopilot. Many are working jobs they don’t like, living in negativity, surrounded by naysayers, and are just about ‘getting by’.

Does this sound like someone you know?

Decide to make a change

Living a better life really isn’t a complicated thing to achieve, but it does require work.

Once you decide that you aren’t willing to settle for anything less than you desire, then you are well on your way to a happier future.

The ONLY person who is able to change your life is YOU.

Sure, you may meet mentors, coaches, or friends on the way who will play a big part in helping you.

But that initial change and decision have to come from within.

Tips to get you started

1. Create a list of words that represent areas of your life which are important to you.  

For example, you could use the following suggestions, or create your own:

  • Health & Fitness
  • Family 
  • Social life
  • Business/Career
  • Finances
  • Personal Growth
  • Romance
  • Spirituality
wheel of life info-graphic. live life on your own terms blog post diagram.

Wheel of life

You can even use the infographic shown above. The idea is to aim for 10 in each area.

By seeing your strengths and weaknesses visually, it will really further your awareness in your own life.

From here are able to analyze your current situation and see which areas you need to create more time and space for.

2. Write a list of things that you would love to do/achieve in your life. 

Perhaps you could break it down into phases, for example:

1-year goals, 3-year goals, 5-year goals.

3. Design your life with a mission statement.  

Think about the type of person you would like to become, what you would like to do, and what you would like to get in return for it.  

For example, you could start with the following statement:  I am so happy and grateful now that….” 

What are you doing?  Who are you helping?  What are you achieving?  What do you get in return for your gift that you are sharing with the world?

You can begin to plan the life of your dreams by getting it down on paper.

Without conscious thought or idea about the life you want to live, you will almost certainly not be living the life you want to live.

You will live by other people’s opinions, rules, regulations, and influence from thing’s and people who don’t resonate with your higher self.

Each day in any single moment, you have a choice, always.


To become a master and live your life on your own terms, it requires work. But without doubt, it is worth it.


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