Every business either small or large needs an optimum marketing strategy to secure a good position in the industry, When they look out for the best marketing strategies, the get to know that not everyone is offering the same techniques or processes. This often makes it difficult for them to choose the right digital marketing platform for their business.

In this section, we have listed down the top 10 digital marketing platforms. Have a look!

So, to avoid that chaotic situation, we have come up with Top 10 Digital Marketing Platforms that will not only advertise your business effectively but also help you secure a good position in your niche industry.

  1. Hubspot

This is inbound marketing software which is equipped with all the essential tools which are needed for improvement and management of your business’ online marketing strategy. The few functions of this application are;


  • Appeal leads by creating eBooks, infographics, videos, and blog posts that have the tendency to engage.
  • It helps in optimizing everything and shares them directly on social media
  • Transform leads by setting up CTA buttons as well as landing pages
  • Gathers information about new client base in order to gain the loyalty of the buyers
  1. ExactTarget

ExactTarget integrates various tools to manage different digital marketing strategies as a part of the sales force. The goal of ExactTarget is to create, improve, and build a strong relationship between a brand and its target market. With this application, people can easily businesses can perform various functions such as email, a social, mobile, web, and marketing automation, and data analysis which makes it such a multi-channel approach.

  1. Marketo

It is one of the best marketing automation software. The functions within this software are extremely efficient which ensure the time-saving and helps in creating multi-channel campaigns. The software has been developed to carry out flexible marketing strategies. The software has a user-friendly interface along with the modern yet powerful designs. It has been a top choice of marketing professionals for a long time.

  1. Marin Software

This software has been developed by the online advertising management by its all integrated online marketing platform. The use of this software ensures the online revenue generation through its complete solutions. The software was developed to improve websites’ ROI by display advertising, paid search, mobile advertising, and social advertising as well.

  1. Vocus

This application is known as the most simplified inbound marketing software. The PR and marketing software has won the hearts of all the marketing professionals by its delivery of marketing success. This software makes sure that the businesses manage their online platform and make new customers after the most productive development phase.


  1. Raven

This fall stack marketing platform utilizes four levels of digital marketing which includes SEO, content marketing, PPC, and social media marketing. Apart from these four marketing strategies, the software allows its users to manage and create full-fledged reports

  1. WebCEO

The name sounds similar, right? WebCEO is an SEO specialized software which is famous for effectively creating SEO campaigns for the businesses. With this software, businesses can search for the keywords, optimize their websites, and monitor the performance of the website. This software allows the businesses to automate their SEO operation which makes the teamwork more productive and hassle-free. Apart from this, its B2B solutions will help you add CMS value to your business and making partnerships with the white label options.

  1. Ginzametrics

This application has turned the tables by helping businesses search for the relevant keywords that are in sync with the business which helps in turning organic traffic to your website. With its dashboard facility, businesses can easily monitor the search, social and content data recommendations. The application is used for content ROI and drive search more than the SEO functions.

  1. SEMrush

With this SEO software, businesses can effectively analyze the keywords competition in their niche market. This software provides essential SEO data after analyzing ranked keywords and comparing the traffic of various competitors’ websites. With this software, businesses can get the related keyword, figure out the organic keywords, and monthly research volumes.

  1. DOZ

This digital marketing platform as designed to make sure that businesses gain organic traffic to their websites along with reaching to international markets for business expansion. This software specializes in delivering ROU oriented campaigns while focusing on search engines, content marketing, and social media. DOZ even lets its users access each campaign composing task to ensure its effectiveness.

11. Digital Marketing Agency in Delhi

Its one of the fastest growing Digital marketing agency in Delhi, India. They offer tones of values to their users. Website development and rankings are getting more versatile as everything is getting digital. With this growth there is need to opt for right marketing agency as well.

🚀 As a business owner based in Malaysia, must I include digital marketing into my strategy?

Digital marketing plays an important role in today’s age and time.

According to an internet survey done by SKMM, 90.1% of Malaysians search for information online.

Traditional marketing is still important, but with digital marketing, the business will get more exposure.

Other reasons why you should make use of digital marketing are:

✔ An average Malaysian spends 8 hours and 5 minutes online per day (We Are Social)
✔ 98.3% of the search engines in Malaysia is taken up by the renowned Google (Stacounter)

This proves that regardless of your type of business, you should build your presence online as a large part of your target audience will surely be spending time online.

malaysia online marketing

📱 How does digital marketing differ from traditional marketing?

Unlike traditional marketing, digital marketing makes it easier to track results and analyze data.

You can simply embed Google Analytics code into your site to analyze the number of visitors, the timing that they have visited, how long they have stayed on a page, and more.

ROI of a digital marketing campaign can be easily calculated using analytic tools.

Traditional marketing refers to advertisements on newspaper, cold calls, setting up exhibitions, passing out physical flyers, and more.

These are not as effective in today’s time due to the advancement of technology and the increased number of people who are connected to the Internet.

Despite that said, traditional marketing and digital marketing should be used hand in hand to achieve the best results.google analytics malaysia

🎯 What are the types of digital marketing available in Malaysia?

There is a range of digital marketing tactics available:

✔ Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
✔ Local SEO
✔ Email Marketing
✔ Social Media Marketing
✔ Content Marketing
✔ Sponsored Content
✔ Selling on Shopee or Lazada
✔ Pay Per Click (PPC)

These are the more popular tactics among the various ones that businesses have been using.

Which digital marketing strategy suits my business best?

A digital marketing strategy is a well thought out plan to achieve your digital marketing goals. It consists of tactics such as SEO, content marketing, and email marketing.

Before choosing a strategy for your business, you must know your business goals and the characteristics of your target audience.

However, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) will work best even if you are unsure about your goals and audience. It takes time for the results to be shown, thus it is always better to start early.

Should I hire a digital marketing agency?

It all depends on your budget and the amount of effort that you are willing to put in.

There are three ways to go about handling the marketing done on Internet:

✔ Self-learn
What makes this attractive is the low cost involved to learn the ropes of digital marketing. However, a considerable amount of time needs to be put in to be able to achieve the best results.

✔ In-house digital marketing team
By forming a team that specifically work on digital marketing, it will increase your manpower cost and you will have to spend some time to go through what you want to achieve out of digital marketing.

Additionally, effort has to be spent to find a talent and to manage the team afterwards.

✔ Digital marketing agency
For most businesses, this is the go-to option as it would not eat into your profits significantly or make you worry about the recruitment of talent. You will be able to put your focus on more important tasks while the experts work on increasing your brand awareness.

Where should I start if I want to go into digital marketing?

Regardless of your choice to self-learn, form a digital marketing team, or hire an agency, you should first understand the goal that you want to attain.

If your goal is to increase the exposure of your manicure business, or any service business, local SEO would be a great fit for your business.

Following that, you need to think about your target group.

Is your target audience young or old? If most of them are older, you can consider using Facebook as a platform to reach out to them. If they are younger, Instagram and YouTube will be more suitable.

The recommended number of strategies that you should start off with is one. This will ensure that you are not juggling with too many strategies and eventually causing all of them to generate low results.

After the first one is stabilized, more strategies can be added onto it to achieve optimal results. By doing so, it will help you to work within your budget and better understand your target audience.


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