Goals are for losers, winners focus on this...

Right from our childhood, we have been brainwashed and forced to believe that, 

"If you wanna do anything big, you have to dream big and set big goals" and yada yada yada.

And so many of us do set BIG goals:

"I wanna be the entrepreneur of the century"

"I wanna be the best piano player ever"

"I wanna be the next Federer"

Now, well, it might look like a noble task to do from the outside,

But here's the thing, 

Anybody and I mean any goddamn body can DREAM BIG.

Think about it, 

It hardly takes a minute to prop up a big ass dream

Or set an insanely ambitious goal. 

But how many of us are actually able to do anything for real?

Not many. 

The reason?

Come to think of it, 

Both the winners and the losers have the same goals,

It's their HABITS that differentiate one from the other.

And that's what most of us overlook.

Having good habits without a goal is much much better than having a great goal without any concrete habits.

You'd automatically become a great entrepreneur if you are constantly working on developing your product, understanding the market, and upgrading your services every day.

You'd automatically become a great piano player if you are learning about music, getting into the nitty-gritty details, and practicing playing the piano every day for 4hrs.

You'd automatically become a great tennis player if you are on the court every day, training for 4-5hr, and never breaking the chain no matter what.

Goals are only good to set a direction 

and to get your lazy ass out of the bed.

But that's just it. 

Goals bring with them a whole set of repercussions:

Your keep on postponing your happiness. 

So many of us play the "I will be happy when I achieve XYZ goal" game. 

It honestly sucks as it implies the fact that you are lacking something until you achieve your 'so-called' goal.

And guess what? 

Once you do achieve your goal, your happiness is short-lived,

And you instantly jump onto the next one.

The other thing is that goals narrow down your vision and make you a prey of the either-or mentality.

Either you win the championship or you lose and would be a failure.

Either you achieve your goal or you fail and curse yourself for the rest of your life.

That's plain stupid.

And some people, 

Once they achieve their goals, they stop playing the game altogether.

They feel clueless as to what they have to do next once they have finished the race they were running in.

This is why setting habits that aim towards constantly improving yourself takes away the prize.

You don't have to wait for a special occasion to be happy,

As every moment becomes a special occasion.

You have to fall in love with the process(habits) to achieve greatness in life. 

Life doesn't come with a finish line. 

Continuous and comprehensive advancement is the way to go.


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