Small Notes

Put your energy where it will do the most good. Put your energy into those things you can do right now to make a difference.

Worry will get you nowhere and will drain the value out of your moments. Achieving the status of victim is not an achievement worth having.

Instead, take the challenges and use them to positive advantage. With the very real power of your thoughts, bend your life's energy so that it flows ever forward.

There is enough time and there are plenty of resources for creating true greatness on your own terms. Fully feel the possibilities and bring them steadily to life.

Make thankful use of what you have when you have it. Focus what is, through your imagination, into the best of what you know can be.

See the immense value of who you are and what you have right now. Transform that value into a living expression now, and it will always be with you.


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There are capabilities you have that you don't yet know you have. Meaningful challenges will awaken those capabilities and get them working for you.

It is in the effort that you fully develop the ability to successfully make that effort. The way to know what you can do, is to do.

Go ahead. Get started, and as you go forward you'll get better.

As you go forward, your skills, your knowledge, and your effectiveness will grow continually stronger. In your commitment to take on the challenges, you'll find everything necessary to successfully meet those challenges.

Set your goals based not on what you know you can do. Set your goals based on what you're most passionate about.

Choose to do what you know, at your very core, you must do. The abilities you awaken will add value to every corner of your life.


Do you hesitate to take action because you're not sure if you'll be effective? Remember that achievement is built on efforts that work as well as efforts that don't work.

Some of your individual efforts may not bring the desired results. Yet when you are committed to keep doing whatever is necessary, you are sure to find a way.

The important thing is to focus on the goal, and put your energy into doing your best to reach that goal. Accept that you may not get the result you desire, then step forward anyway, and do everything within your power to achieve that result.

At the very least, you'll gain valuable experience. And with enough experience, you'll eventually be able to get it right.

It's true that there are no guarantees. After all, if it were a sure thing, someone else, far less capable than you, would have already claimed the prize.

Go ahead and make the effort. It will work when you're committed to make it work.


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