Statistics Suggest That When Customers

Complain, Business Owners And

Managers Ought To Get Excited

About It. The Complaining Customer

Represents A Huge Opportunity

For More Business.



You are filled with valuable experience. The things you've done and learned and seen and lived through have left behind a unique and powerful substance of experience that is yours alone.

What a shame it would be for all that to go to waste. It is yours to make use of, yours to build upon, and yours from which to grow.

By making this present moment count, you also make all the past moments count even more. You cannot live in the past, yet you can continue to draw upon the value you created there.

Right now, you can benefit greatly from the things you've already done, whatever they may have been. By tapping into the value of your experience and doing something positive and productive with it, you extend and expand upon that value.

Use this day to invest your wealth of experience into effective action. That investment will immediately begin to pay dividends.

Take action, and let your valuable experience guide that action. Get value from the past and use it in the present to create an outstanding future.


Give more than is expected of you, and you'll get much more than you expect. Rather than obsessing over how little you can get by with doing, focus on how very much you can get done.

If you set out to cheat life, it is you who will be cheated. When you set about to get something for nothing, what you end up with is nothing worth having.

Instead, go ahead and give all you can to the effort. Then find ways to give more.

Fulfillment is not in the getting. Fulfillment is in the creating, and doing, and giving.

Fulfillment in life comes from making a difference. When you have an opportunity to make a difference, do so generously and with abandon.

Within every highly successful person is an unquenchable thirst for adding value to the lives of others. Keep finding new ways to give more than you can imagine, and know the joy of true and lasting success.


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