
Showing posts from June, 2014

Create new moments and joy

It is great to treasure the joys of the past. When you do so, those joys will always be with you, bringing new pleasure each time you think of them. But don’t get so dependent on past joys that you neglect to make new ones. Instead, allow the joys you’ve previously experienced to inspire you to make even more. Circumstances have surely changed, and you’ll never again have the exact same joyful experiences you had before. However, you most certainly can create new, original joyful memories to treasure. Be thankful about all the great times you’ve known. And be willing to make more great times with this day, with this moment, wherever you may be. Don’t limit the possibilities for joy by assuming that the new joys must be just like the previous ones. Continue to open yourself to new, creative options for adding richness and fulfillment to life. There are plenty of ways, right here and right now, to bring fresh joy to life. Treasure the joys of the past, and make some new ones today.

Every new minute is a new option available

Time will pass no matter what. Give yourself something to show for it. Give yourself some adventure, some achievement, some fellowship, learning, exhilaration, and other great moments of experience. Give yourself the benefit of working with discipline and focus to tackle a meaningful challenge. Time moves forward, so get yourself moving forward with it. Make this day uniquely fulfilling, and then create even more fulfillment tomorrow. You cannot go back and reclaim the hours, days and years that have already passed. Yet you can work to make the very most of every new moment that arrives. Make time your friend by filling it with positive purpose as it arrives. Make time work for you by doing your best work with the time you have. Time is filled with great promise and possibility. Claim all that value with purposeful, focused effort and lift your world higher as each moment passes.

How we see things!

There’s something beautiful about the moment you’re in. Find the beauty, feel the beauty, enjoy it, appreciate it, and let it expand. There’s something beautiful about the place where you are. See that beauty, delight in it, and let its positive power encompass you. In any situation, you can choose to see the beauty in life. When you do, you become more loving, more peaceful, more effective, and more fulfilled. In seeing life’s beauty you are able to recognize life’s best possibilities. Appreciate the beauty, and you gain access to the abundance in which you are immersed. Instead of reacting with anger, despair or frustration, choose to be amazed by the beauty that is always there. Something about every situation is beautiful, and you gain valuable insight by aligning yourself with it. In what you do, in where you go, there is beauty. Choose to see and to live that beauty, and make your life truly rich.

Positive Empowerment

Don’t waste your time, thoughts and energy in a state of need. Invest yourself and your life in action. Free yourself from the burdens of anxiety and worry about what might or might not happen. Get busy living fully, making good and enriching things happen. This moment is too valuable to contaminate it with negative, limiting thoughts. There are great things you can do right now to improve your life and your world, so go ahead and do them. Choose to live in a state of positive empowerment by choosing to follow through on your best possibilities. You have the ability to make a difference, and the more you engage that ability, the more fulfilling life becomes. If you’re waiting for the perfect opportunity, wait no longer. This day is the best opportunity you’ve ever had, because it is when you can take action and move forward. Let go of the empty wishes, the complaints, the apprehensions, and let yourself do what you do best. Let yourself live richly by acting in every moment to make you...

Relax See n Focus on What you want, then get busy

It might seem like a contradiction to be active and involved while at the same time being relaxed and joyful. But there’s really no contradiction at all. Activity and effort add great richness to life. And there’s no reason why you must be stressed and uptight about making that effort. It’s idleness, not positive effort, that can bring so much despair to life. Avoid that despair by doing something valuable and meaningful every chance you get. It’s great to be peaceful, relaxed, and enjoying life. And you can be all those things while putting forth disciplined, persistent, effective effort. Don’t assume that you must wallow in idleness just to relax. Make the choice to relax and to enjoy yourself even in the busiest of times. Life is an adventure, so live that adventure actively and enthusiastically. At the same time, relax and enjoy the process of adding real richness to your life and your world.

Success, the key & You

The key to success is not in some particular technique, program, ritual or idea. The key to your success is you, and what you do. There are many great people, products, services, values and philosophies that can be extremely helpful. Yet any authentic, fulfilling success you enjoy will come largely from you. Though you are highly deserving, success in life is not a foregone conclusion. However, you are fortunate to have the opportunity and the ability to make it happen. If you wish to be successful, then give the best of yourself to that success. The extent of your success flows directly from the size of your commitment. Be willing to step up and take full and continuing responsibility for your success. That’s what will make it happen. Nothing will work to bring you success unless you work to bring about that success. Choose a goal that truly means something, do the work, and enjoy all the success you will surely create.

Just Be that You not pretend to be

It does you no good to become highly skilled at pretending to be someone you’re not. Be you, enjoy it fully and authentically, and spread the joy around. Don’t waste a lot of time and energy trying to do what you think might impress others. Be you, live what you love, and be impressed yourself at all the great things life has to offer. It doesn’t take a whole big complicated set of circumstances to bring you the life you want to live. It just takes a little honesty with yourself, about yourself. Take a deep, peaceful breath, let go of the burdensome need to maintain pretenses, and be you. Feel the healing joy of living each day true to who you are. You don’t need power or possessions or drama to fulfill your purpose. All you have to do is to be you. The very best you can do is to be truly you. Be you, and enjoy bringing your unique greatness to life. Read more at :

Positive is the power n it comes from within

No matter what may be happening on the outside, you are in charge of the way you are on the inside. And the way you are inside makes all the difference in the value and fulfillment you experience in each day. Will you be overwhelmed by the problems or energized by the opportunities? That depends on the attitude with which you choose to live. Will you be a victim of life’s circumstances or will you take positive control of your own destiny? The inner you makes that choice. You can decide whether to live each day in the darkness of despair or in the light of possibility. You can choose between being a victim or a victor. It is easy to blame your outer circumstances for the way your life unfolds. Yet the most influential factor is the perspective from which you respond to the way life unfolds. At any time and place, in any situation, you can choose a positive, empowering, life-affirming perspective. Keep positive power on the inside, and you can successfully deal with whatever happens eve...

Negative energies can make a world of difference when refocused

It’s easy and natural to feel frustrated with life. When you do, step back, experience the frustration, and let it motivate you, but don’t let it control you. There is something good and right, powerful and purposeful within you that makes your frustration possible. Ask yourself what it could be. Frustration occurs when life doesn’t unfold the way you’d like for it to. Instead of letting that extreme sense of disappointment overwhelm you, step back from it and get your bearing. Challenge yourself to come up with a positive, measured response rather than a destructive, impulsive one. After all, you are capable of great things, so use the occasion to engage that capability. Take the raw power of frustration and transform it into the power of positive intention. Let go of the self-defeating need to lash out, and see all the possibilities for moving forward. Then follow through on your intention and take real, effective action. And from a frustrating situation, just as from any situation, ...


Meeting new people in life is a journey we take. Never prejudge anyone as someday someone would do the same with you. Learn to read, learn to understand before making a judgement on others. The beauty of life is lost when we are unable to value n see the best n good in people when we keep focusing on the bad vibes, energy n evaluation. When people can give u an opportunity n chance why don't you give the same to others?

Frustration could be changed

It’s easy and natural to feel frustrated with life. When you do, step back, experience the frustration, and let it motivate you, but don’t let it control you. There is something good and right, powerful and purposeful within you that makes your frustration possible. Ask yourself what it could be. Frustration occurs when life doesn’t unfold the way you’d like for it to. Instead of letting that extreme sense of disappointment overwhelm you, step back from it and get your bearing. Challenge yourself to come up with a positive, measured response rather than a destructive, impulsive one. After all, you are capable of great things, so use the occasion to engage that capability. Take the raw power of frustration and transform it into the power of positive intention. Let go of the self-defeating need to lash out, and see all the possibilities for moving forward. Then follow through on your intention and take real, effective action. And from a frustrating situation, ...

Life oh life

Many times we plan and we work towards what we want Creating dreams n also pictures of what we want it to be But when reality hits us We can accept We can fight Or we can make a difference No matter what, life goes on A good exposure A good experience May u be happy always

Is it great ti be where u are now?

Allow what wants to happen, to happen. Allow what is right, to be, and to expand. Don’t fight against your own authentic nature. Embrace the unique beauty of the gifts you have to give. Live with joy and positive purpose in the moment, whatever it may bring. Do what you know is right, what you know is best, and what you know is true. Life is more magnificent than you can ever imagine. Go ahead and imagine anyway, from the perspective of what you love and value the most, and bring what you imagine to life. Look at every little morsel of existence with profound gratitude and ecstatic appreciation. Commit yourself, again and again, to living a life worthy of all the abundance that’s available to you. With each dawning day, dive gleefully into that abundance, eager to create new value and meaning as you journey through it all. Remember that where you are is a great place to be, so give the greatness a faithful life from which to brightly shine.

Evaluate all possibilities

It’s great to have plenty of positive possibilities and desirable options, yet they are not enough. For those possibilities to have value, you must exercise them. You cannot live and prosper just on possibilities. A great life comes from putting forth the effort to do great things with whatever possibilities you have. You cannot get by just on your skills, your knowledge, your connections and your ambition. You must put those things to work in a meaningful way. By all means, gather and embrace the best possibilities every chance you get. And by all means, act on them. Take those great possibilities, add your own time and effort, and transform it all into rich, valuable life experience. Instead of just sitting endlessly on a beautiful beach thinking to yourself how great it is, jump in and go for a swim. There is so very much you have going for you, so make good use of it. Treasure the great possibilities, and get busy transforming them into a truly great life.

How creative can you be?

One big thing that gets in the way of creativity is fear. When you can let go of your fear, you allow your creativity to naturally blossom. If you’re fearful about what other people will think, you won’t be able to express yourself with authenticity and effectiveness. If you fear that you’re wasting your time, that’s exactly what you’ll be doing. Go ahead, have faith in yourself and your ability to create value, and take action. If you have chosen to feel fear and doubt, you can just as easily choose to let them go. Let go of the fear and let the true beauty of your creative spirit flow. Focus on what you love, and let it inspire you to create in great, valuable and meaningful ways. Live creatively, allowing your actions and expressions to come naturally and easily from your highest values. Step forward with confidence and joy, eager to creatively make a positive difference in the world. You have so very much to give. Have the courage to give it freely...

Making things matter. Every option is important

When everything is free and instantly available, nothing matters. It is only when you must work for something that it becomes important. It seems nice to imagine a life completely free of challenges. Yet such a life would be utterly and painfully meaningless. It is what you put into life that makes life good for you. It is what you give of yourself that gives real meaning to whatever you experience. Keep in mind that you must venture in order to experience adventure. You must give in order to know how truly great it is to live. Don’t waste your time wishing in vain for a life free of effort. Instead, invest your precious time in loving, meaningful, value-creating, life-enhancing activities. Make the commitment, invest the time, and do the work to make things matter. Your life has magnificent potential, so with your efforts give it the substance and meaning it deserves.

Persistent would take you there!

Every success story is a story of persistence. No matter where you start, with enough persistence you can reach the goal. Persistence is not particularly glamorous or exciting. Yet the results of persistence can be truly amazing. Persistence is not always easy, though it is always accessible. Once you’ve made the effort you can continue making the effort, and that’s what will make the difference. You may not get very many lucky breaks. Yet every single day you will get the opportunity to persist, so take that opportunity and run with it. It’s completely understandable that you will, from time to time, feel like giving up. It’s also absolutely possible to let go of that dejected feeling, and to replace it with an even stronger desire to persist no matter what. Every turn of events is an opportunity to keep going. Take that opportunity, and with persistence you’ll get yourself all the way there.

Enjoy this very Moment!

You don’t need ideal conditions in order to enjoy an ideal life. You can simply make the choice to do so. You don’t have to wait until the perfect moment to be happy. Any moment and every moment will do, including this one. Whatever you’re doing, add a smile and a positive attitude to it. Life’s beauty is everywhere, so make the empowering choice to see it everywhere. You can choose to complain about your lot in life and to feel sorry for yourself, or you can choose to enjoy the wonder that’s all around you. Keep in mind that there’s valuable opportunity in everything, and a positive perspective enables you to tap into that opportunity. There are plenty of problems to be fixed, wrongs to be made right, and obstacles to overcome. And the most effective way to move forward is with joy, not with bitterness. Challenge yourself to enjoy this very moment, fully, completely, sincerely, authentically. And learn to put the power of joy in everything you d...

Your Vision' make it dream it

No one is going to hand you a map that precisely directs you to the exact life you desire. Much of the joy of fulfillment comes from finding your own way there. Others can be of great help to you. Yet you must take full responsibility for making the journey. You have what it takes to fashion and lead a life of unique fulfillment. Look deep within yourself, honestly, sincerely, and you will see. Don’t get trapped and frustrated by trying to live someone else’s dream. Have the courage and the commitment to let your life express who you truly are. It is perfectly okay to love life in your own unique way. In fact, it is your responsibility to do so. Let go of the worries, fears, false expectations and distractions. Allow yourself to see your own beautiful vision, and follow it joyfully forward.

Beautify it is & it's now

It is now, and you are here. Instead of wishing in vain that you were somewhere else, give positive and loving energy to where you are. It is fantastic to have a desirable and ambitious destination. To reach that destination, you must start by fully accepting and appreciating where you now are. Decide that now is beautiful and that this place is filled with opportunity. Decide, and it is so. No amount of regret or resentment can change the past. Choose instead to simply be thankful that you are here now, able to move positively forward. Stop the fighting against what is, and start working on the good and valuable things that can be. Gratefully accept and make use of the profound power that is yours here and now. This moment has great value that is yours when you choose to live it. You are here, and it is now, so embrace that value and give it your own unique meaning.

Stay on the Path, Keep Going & Pushing!

If you want your actions to have power, repeat them often. Your solidly-established habits have much more influence than your occasional whims. There are limits to what you can do in a single instant. Yet when you focus your actions over many days, months or years, you can achieve truly amazing things. It’s great to have useful skills, valuable resources, and powerful friends. Yet without persistence, even the best advantages won’t get you anywhere. With persistent actions, however, you can start from where you are and get yourself to wherever you wish to be. When you put real, focused effort into your dreams, again and again, those dreams cannot help but become real. Which path you choose is important. What’s just as important is choosing to stay on that path, every moment, every day, until the destination is reached. Give your life the power of persistence. And delight in the immense satisfaction of steadily working your way to your own unique fulfillment.

How great today can be 4 U!

Today is too valuable to waste. Tomorrow you’ll wish you had made the most of today, so go ahead and do that right now. Your life is too unique and precious to spend it drifting aimlessly. Remind yourself of what’s important to you, and do something about it, now. Yes, there are plenty of things that can give you reasons to be discouraged and disillusioned. However, you can always give yourself even more reasons to be purposeful and enthusiastically positive. You have within you the miracle of life. Whatever else may or may not be happening for you, there are outstanding possibilities available to you. For those possibilities to have any value, though, you must act on them. Now is the time to do that. Go ahead, feel your awesome potential and then get yourself busy living up to it. Make life great today by what you do with it.

Change as often you can

Life constantly moves, so move with it. Life is constantly changing, so learn to find beauty and fulfillment in the changes. If you try and hold on to the way things were, you will miss the new magnificence of the way things are becoming. If you deny and hide from the changes, the best possibilities will pass you by. Embrace the dawn, then the midday, then the evening and then the night. Embrace the spring, then the summer, then the fall and then the winter. You cannot hold on to a single moment. Yet you can choose to live each moment with grace and joy, with purpose and richness. Today can be a significant improvement over yesterday if you will fully embrace it and let it be. Welcome life’s ever-changing nature, and you’ll find ways for each change to lift you higher. As life moves, move forward with joy, authenticity and ceaseless wonder at the new opportunities in every moment. Though you cannot hold on to this day, what you can always keep is the love with which you live it.